
voicy avatar image
voicy asked David Marginian edited

REST API - Unable to get the merchant customer info?

Hey Guys,

We have been using CUSTOMER API from long time. We have never faced this kind of issue. Today, we got a new customer, after successful oauth and billing he redirected to my application dashboard(Where we display merchant customers details).

Later, He came up with the complaint like he is not able to see customer info in the dashboard.

NOTE 1: He has customers data in clover

NOTE 2: The same API is working for other merchants(Who are currently using my application).


Merchant_ID : VXAPP798TJ388

REST APIclover developer communityCustomersMerchant
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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

You have a typo in your post, the app and merchant id are the same (both are your app id). Please include the correct information in a private post/comment.

Your application makes a request to retrieve customer data via the REST API? And that isn't working for one merchant? Are you certain the error is not in your app? Do you have data/logging to confirm that? Does your application have any logging so that we could see the response you are receiving? What API are you calling? Can you provide the request your app is making?

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voicy avatar image voicy David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

Hello David,

App ID : VXAPP798TJ388

Merchant_Id : D9....

This merchant has around 3300 customers in clover but by calling API i don't see any customer data. I called customer API through POSTMAN please have a look at the results and help me.

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screenshot-214.png (55.4 KiB)
screenshot-217.png (52.1 KiB)

1 Answer

David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered David Marginian edited

This merchant has 0 customers in our system. I verified this in the database. I am not sure why they think they have customers, perhaps they use another tool to manage them?

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