
yoha avatar image
yoha asked vsdsaaasd commented

Can we Remote casting Clover Flex screen (sandbox) to do remote demos?


I'm wondering if its possible to remote cast a Flex sandbox devices screen to the desktop to be able to share development progress with remote clients.

I asking if there's a tool like vysor that will work with the sandbox environment.


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vsdsaaasd avatar image vsdsaaasd commented ·

Sí, la versión web móvil de BetJam está optimizada para brindar una experiencia fluida sin necesidad de descargar una aplicación Esto es ideal para jugadores que prefieren no ocupar espacio en sus dispositivos.

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Jeffrey Blattman avatar image
Jeffrey Blattman answered

We don't support any screen cast application.

I think your best bet would be to record ahead of time:

I know there are also some solutions out there that use ADB to "stream" the screen captures back to the host. This is going to be slow. I'll leave it to you to Google around for them I haven't looked into it for some time.

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jhauge avatar image
jhauge answered

You could try using the emulator and screen sharing, unless that's not an option for your use case. That's what we've been using.

10 |2000

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