
lenab avatar image
lenab asked David Marginian Deactivated answered

AuthRequest rejected

I am implementing pre-auth for credit card sale so I can pre-authorize sale for current POS transaction and getting this error:
In Auth : AuthRequest - Auths are not enabled for the payment gateway. Original Request = com.clover.remotepay.sdk.AuthRequest
responce result : UNSUPPORTED
reason : Merchant Configuration Validation Error
Is there something wrong with my merchant configuration?

Working in C#
Thank you

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1 Answer

David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian Deactivated answered David Marginian Deactivated edited

The error is pretty accurate, your merchant doesn't have preauths enabled at the gateway. I assume since you added the "Sandbox" tag that this is occuring in Sandbox and not production, is that correct? I think I found your merchant id in sandbox (it looks like you have a few accounts so I am not sure) and noticed that your address is Canadian - You will notice here that preauth is US Only. So you are attempting a transaction type that is not allowed in Canada which explains the response.

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