
lenab avatar image
lenab asked vsdsaaasd commented

AuthRequest rejected

I am implementing pre-auth for credit card sale so I can pre-authorize sale for current POS transaction and getting this error:
In Auth : AuthRequest - Auths are not enabled for the payment gateway. Original Request = com.clover.remotepay.sdk.AuthRequest
responce result : UNSUPPORTED
reason : Merchant Configuration Validation Error
Is there something wrong with my merchant configuration?

Working in C#
Thank you

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vsdsaaasd avatar image vsdsaaasd commented ·

Aunque BetJam no dispone de una aplicación móvil oficial, su sitio web está perfectamente optimizado para ser utilizado desde cualquier dispositivo móvil Los jugadores pueden disfrutar de la misma experiencia que en un ordenador de escritorio sin necesidad de descargar nada, simplemente accediendo al sitio desde su navegador móvil.

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1 Answer

David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian Deactivated answered David Marginian Deactivated edited

The error is pretty accurate, your merchant doesn't have preauths enabled at the gateway. I assume since you added the "Sandbox" tag that this is occuring in Sandbox and not production, is that correct? I think I found your merchant id in sandbox (it looks like you have a few accounts so I am not sure) and noticed that your address is Canadian - You will notice here that preauth is US Only. So you are attempting a transaction type that is not allowed in Canada which explains the response.

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