
Saffan Prasla avatar image
Saffan Prasla asked David Marginian edited

Clover Mini stops working after a while, USB transport error

I am having issues with my Clover Mini gen 2 periodically disconnecting in production. I am using the USB Connector SDK on windows 10. We have the USB Pay App installed, and the clover will work fine for a while. Then after a little time, it will randomly disconnect . When the POS goes to process a sale (semi-integrated environment) it will raise an error "Clover transport layer can see the USB device, but encountered an error... try physically disconnecting...". This happens daily after a few hours of running.

To get around this issue we have to restart the mini

Clover Minisemi-integrationsUSB Pay DisplayRemote Pay Windows
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hergy80 avatar image hergy80 commented ·

It's been like that for years.

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trueox avatar image trueox hergy80 commented ·

it is not fixed on SDK 4.0.3 either. I wonder if it is because of the USB driver or the SDK problem.

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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered David Marginian edited


4.0.3 has been released -


We are planning an SDK release (4.0.3) that should improve the stability of the USB connection. I will keep you posted on the release date.

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trueox avatar image
trueox answered David Marginian commented

SDK 4.0.3 did not help much, we are having the same issue. It works fine for a while then "Clover transport layer can see the USB device, but encountered an error... try physically disconnecting.

restarting my our app stopped the spin wait on the mini clover but this is such annoying. We lost record each time this happens as we rely on the clover mini to send back the sale result so we can keep track of the transaction in our app.

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

What is "awhile"? How often do you see this? Can you please provide the exact error? What type of device? You said restarting your app stops the spinning, what do you do to get reconnected?

As a side note, you should look at our best practices, you should be able to recover from this if you can get reconnected -

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baersauto avatar image
baersauto answered trueox edited

not to highjack the thread but i get the same issue with USB between 2 clover minis and nothing else

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trueox avatar image trueox commented ·

good to know, I am glad it is not my code. I think the clover mini USB itself is not stable. looks like the only way workaround this USB connection issue is to issue retrieve payment function after error encountered.

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trueox avatar image
trueox answered

It is random, sometimes it works for days without issue. Once in a while, while waiting for the sale result to come back, the clover mini screen just has a spinning icon, on my computer, I will this error" "Clover transport layer can see the USB device, but encountered an error... try physically disconnecting...

the charge typically will go through, My POS is not getting a result back from the clover mini because of the USB error. the only way to stop spinning icon on the clover mini is to disconnect my application from the clover then the clover mini goes back to the welcome screen and it is ready again. is there a way to fix that?

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trueox avatar image
trueox answered David Marginian edited

here is the error directory from my log

Log Entry : 2:31:49 PM Monday, August 3, 2020


:ErrorCode: Win32Error The Clover transport layer can see the USB device, but encountered an error when attempting to send it a message. Try physically disconnecting/reconnecting the Clover device.


COMMUNICATION_ERROR, System.IO.IOException: ErrorCode: Win32Error The Clover transport layer can see the USB device, but encountered an error when attempting to send it a message. Try physically disconnecting/reconnecting the Clover device.

at com.clover.remotepay.transport.usb.CloverUsbDevice.Write(String message), -16379


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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

What were you doing when this occurred? Is it reproducible?

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trueox avatar image trueox David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

My POS issue a sale request to the clover mini and the customer is going through their payment options ( tips, pin etc..) and press enter then a spinning icon occurs and it will not stop until I restart my app, which does a graceful disconnect. Once my app restarted, clover mini just goes back to the welcome screen and not present the option to print receipt like it normally would when everything is working. It is so random, that is hard to reproduce, I think it may have something to do with the type of card the customer is using maybe.

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ trueox commented ·

Can you reconnect or does the mini need to be rebooted?

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