
frankiboy avatar image
frankiboy asked frankiboy answered

Custom tender payment success at 0$


I am currently processing custom tender payment in the Sale app of a Flex device and always receive the paid amount at 0$ from my tender even if i send statically the amount like in the example below:

Intent returnData = new Intent();

returnData.putExtra(Intents.EXTRA_AMOUNT, 100);

returnData.putExtra(Intents.EXTRA_CLIENT_ID, Utils.nextRandomId());

returnData.putExtra(Intents.EXTRA_NOTE, "Transaction Id: " + Utils.nextRandomId());

setResult(RESULT_OK, returnData);

Is it because i am in a Sandbox environment?

Thank you

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1 Answer

frankiboy avatar image
frankiboy answered

Figured it out. The static amount in my exemple is a int...

And in my real case the problem was me doing a multiplication by 100 with the long resulting in converting the long to int i believe.

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