
ismdcf avatar image
ismdcf asked gflinchbaugh answered

Usage of External PIN Debit Payment Tender

Could some please explain the usage of the custom tender External PIN Debit which is present on the Setup-> Payments-> Tenders Accepted, Enabling this on the clover sandbox dev kit and trying to proceed through a payment results in the following message and the transaction is successful

There are no card terminals attached to the devkit

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gflinchbaugh avatar image
gflinchbaugh answered

The External PIN Debit tender allows PIN debit transactions run on a completely separate standalone terminal to be recorded on a Clover device. This was useful on Station 1 prior to the availability of the FD40. Merchants could create an order on the Station, accept payment by PIN debit card on a separate terminal, and then record the payment on the Station. Within the Clover system, an external PIN debit transaction is purely a bookkeeping function; no message is sent to the payment network and no funds flow as a result of recording the transaction within Clover (allow funds flow as a result of the transaction on the external terminal).

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