
ahmed2403 avatar image
ahmed2403 asked David Marginian answered

Event Listeners For Time Out, When to enter card and as user enters card

Are there any event listeners for handling the Time Out message on the Clover devices if the user doesn't enter their card? As we have done a semi-integration with our ePos (Windows SDK), it would be worth knowing if the Clover has timed out and displaying this on the ePos side. Also, what is the default time setting for time outs and can this be changed?

As well as this, are there any event listeners which know when the user has to enter their card or touch for contactless, again would be useful to know this on the ePos side. As well as an event listener once they've entered the card.



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1 Answer

David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered

Please see my answer to your other question as it is related. In summary you can utilize the onDeviceActivityStart/End handler (ICloverConnectorListener) to keep your POS updated on the state of the Clover device. An event will be returned when a payment times out. I am not certain of the timeout but I don't believe it can be configured.

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