
igorborski avatar image
igorborski asked igorborski answered

How to connect using Cloud SDK to a live merchant's device configured to use sandbox

Our DevKit sandbox device needs a VPN to be able to process payments.
Yes, the sandbox payments are confirmed working.

To double check things we want to check integration against a device in a "normal" environment.

However the only device available is the one connected to a live merchant but configured to use sandbox payment environment.

We configured cloud connector to use that device's ID our live application's ID (being in review), provided live merchant's ID.

We set it up to use for OAuth.

After trying both and for cloverServer property it never worked.

Error sending alert to device. Details: status returned was not 200

Devices to be installed in the United Kingdom hence eu.clover but maybe we have to use instead? Maybe something else we missed?
I understand the circumstances are unusual but any suggestions are welcome.

Thank you, Igor

semi-integrationsSandboxRemote Pay Cloud
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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered

You have a production device that is using a test/sandbox payment gateway? This is not something I have ever heard of, I assume we set it up specifically for you?

First, in order to connect to the production device you will need to have your web application pushed to the merchant and the merchant will need to have Cloud Pay Display installed. Next you will need to go through the OAuth flow for your production web-application that was pushed to the production merchant. Assuming you have done all of this correctly, the critical pieces of your configuration will be:

deviceId: device id of the production merchant's device you want to connect to

merchantId: MID of the production merchant

cloverServer: (don't forget the www)

accessToken: token from the OAuth flow for your production web-app

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igorborski avatar image
igorborski answered

Thank you David, worked like a charm.
Also fixed our live setup I understand (was

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