
realariful avatar image
realariful asked David Marginian answered

how long the Clover Pay Cloud(Semi_integration) application submittion needs to be approved?


We have a already developed a Clover Pay Cloud integration with Odoo POS. We will test and submit for Approval. I have some questions:

1. Can you help us how long it takes for approval.
2. The steps required for moving to Clover Production?
3. What are devices supported for Clover Pay Cloud?
4. Steps for creating Clover Production Developer Account

Best Regards,

semi-integrationsRemote Pay Cloud
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1 Answer

David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered

These questions are probably best directed to

1) Generally 6-8 weeks, it can be shorter, it can be longer. The quality and completeness of the information you provide plays a big role in that.

2) Your app will need to go through our approval process -

3) Supported devices -

4) Create an account here -

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