
ahsan avatar image
ahsan asked David Marginian commented

How to complete online payment on clover order?

I made an order through api request to clover, added items and made payment as cash. It got showed paid. Now I want to make payment through card? How do I do that in sandbox account with test cards?
Developer Pay API
10 |2000

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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered David Marginian commented
Per the link:
This endpoint returns the key and prefix you'll need for the pay endpoint. Prepend the prefix to the credit card number, then use RSA/OAEP/SHA1 encryption on the resulting string using the provided modulus and exponent.
The "Example Payment Flow" section details the process and sample code (Java) is provided in this section under "Example Code".
10 |2000

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ahsan avatar image ahsan commented ·

Do we have same encryption code in PHP

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ ahsan commented ·
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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered ahsan edited
This forum is for semi integrations. It appears you are using the Clover REST API (developer pay). Perhaps this link will help you -
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10 |2000

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ahsan avatar image ahsan commented ·

How do I make first payment with test card. Can you please give me api request to make first payment on created order. @David Marginian

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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered ahsan commented
@Ashan, your question does not provide enough information for me to help you. Can you please clarify what you are doing? Are you using the REST API?
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10 |2000

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ahsan avatar image ahsan commented ·

Yes, I am making orders by REST API, Now I want to make payments by card. Do we have any api request format in which we send card details to the clover terminal and complete the payment.Like the payment gateway does.

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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered ahsan commented
Did you look at the link I posted above? It walks you through the process.
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10 |2000

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ahsan avatar image ahsan commented ·

The documentation link you provided says we first have to encrypt the card and then make POST request to (/v2/merchant/{mId}/pay) . But there is no detail in what format do we need to send the card data. Moreover, do we have any example to encrypt the card details?

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