
Cristian Timbi avatar image
Cristian Timbi asked David Marginian answered

Clover mini - device is not possible to activate

I just reset factory up a Clover Mini DevKit that I haven't run in a year but no cant activate . Before the device showing offline even though it was connected over wifi. If I have a valid internet connection, but stuck in update loop.

Mi device is:
Serial number: C030UQ54340199
Build Number: 1.34 1.41
Clover MiniDevKit
img-4075.jpg (33.1 KiB)
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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered
Can you try a hard wire connection for activation?
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Cristian Timbi avatar image
Cristian Timbi answered
Thanks @David Marginian, but It does not work, I have tried from 2 different ISPs by wired network and wireless network. After retries I have reached the following message (image attached)


er03.jpg (53.0 KiB)
er01.jpg (42.8 KiB)
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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered
You should contact
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