
whosbuddy avatar image
whosbuddy asked lisalm edited

order.setNote() updates order object but doesn't print on clover flex 2 dev kit

As mentioned in I'm using the current workflow to try and display a note on my custom receipt:

OrderConnector mOrderConnector = new OrderConnector(context, CloverAccount.getAccount(context), null);
Order order = mOrderConnector.getOrder(orderId);
order.setNote("YOUR NOTE HERE");

But this code only updates the order object, and doesn't appear when the payment flow has ended; the user clicks clover's print receipt button.

The only way I've been able to correctly display the order note is using:

new StaticPaymentPrintJob.Builder().paymentId(orderId).order(order).build().print(context, CloverAccount.getAccount(context));

However this isn't an optimal user experience for my payment flow.

* All other receipt configurations listed in setup > payment receipts work properly. When the "order note" checkbox is selected, the preview button, in Payment Receipt Appearance even displays the receipt accurately.

OrdersClover FlexPrintDevKit
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fesal81224 avatar image fesal81224 commented ·

I also have problem. Please help!

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