
dhana avatar image
dhana asked zgreathouse Deactivated edited

Sandbox - Payment posted successful with 0.00$

I have added item for 15$ to make payment along with taxes in sandbox mode i.e 15$ + $1.05 (tax) = $16.5 (total)
but while posting payment it shows payment success message with $0,00, and shows remaining balance as $16.05, I don't know whats wrong in the code, It should show that the "$16.05 payment successful" for my requirement, Can you please check my below screenshot and the code snippet what I'm using to call the Payment post, We are in the deadline of the project please help


Intent data = new Intent();
data.putExtra(Intents.EXTRA_AMOUNT, amount);
data.putExtra(Intents.EXTRA_CLIENT_ID, Utils.nextRandomId());
data.putExtra(Intents.EXTRA_NOTE, "Transaction Id: " + Utils.nextRandomId());
setResult(RESULT_OK, data);

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dhana avatar image dhana commented ·
@zgreathouse - Hi thanks for your reply - I have tried Accessing Sale request but Its out of my requirement - When i Call Sale request it takes me to the Payment page like card Swipe and card insert page, But My requirement is we can handle Payment from our server using our GIFT card, I need to call directly the Payment success page in Clover device, Can you please suggest me the code snippet directly?

Currently I'm using this -

My Project scenario is - I have implemented my custom tender App and shown in REGISTER APP, -> I'm adding items and click custom tender - My Application which was side loaded will get opens, - and gather all the Data using Merchant Facing tender in manifest, after that i calls our own API for Payment process, Once done from my end i need to Call Payment success page directly and to print a receipt
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1 Answer

zgreathouse avatar image
zgreathouse Deactivated answered zgreathouse Deactivated converted comment to answer
I would double check exactly what value the amount is before it is passed in as an extra. (referencing line 2 of the code snippet provided in your post). It is likely that your amount being passed in is 0.
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