We are trying to create orders using REST API. Sending a POST request to create order REST API
with the following body:
{ "customers": [ { "id": "83D4...", "merchant": {"id": "T4NX..."}, "metadata": {}, "state": "open" } ] }Returns the following 200 OK response:
{ "href": "...", "id": "G6R2...", "currency": "USD", "employee": { "id": "T5B6..." }, "taxRemoved": false, "isVat": false, "manualTransaction": false, "groupLineItems": true, "testMode": false, "createdTime": 1552932177000, "clientCreatedTime": 1552932177000, "modifiedTime": 1552932176000 }However, querying Orders REST API following this call returns the following response:
{ "elements": [], "href": "http://apisandbox.dev.clover.com/v3/merchants/T4NX.../orders?filter=stateIS%20NOT%20NULL&limit=100" }Also, displaying Orders from the sandbox merchant panel returns no orders. Could you please advise?
Modifying the request body to
{ "currency": "USD", "customers":[ { "id": "83D4...", "merchant": {"id": "T4NX..."}, "metadata": {} } ], "employee": {"id": "CVPV..."}, "total": 1900, "state": "open" }created the order successfully.