
Dan avatar image
Dan asked Corey commented

EU Clover Dev apks

Hello, your EU development apks are once again signing me into a US merchant. I have followed Mark's instructions here, but I can't get passed the apk install error no matter how many times I try:

Any way you guys can just give us EU apks on the EU endpoint?
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1 Answer

Raymond Lee avatar image
Raymond Lee Deactivated answered Corey commented
Can you confirm if this issue is still occurring, and if so, for which app/apk? I am able to install the EU development apks, although as you have observed, it is a bit finicky where often it will fail to install, requiring you to click "Install Now" again to re download some of the apps.
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Corey avatar image Corey commented ·

@Raymond Lee
Hi Raymond I am still having this issue when I go to and download the apk files. The files on this page will only allow me to sign into my US clover account. where can I find EU DEV APK files?



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