
jasonbanks avatar image
jasonbanks asked jasonbanks commented

Can I use Visual Studio with Android SDK for app development

I am a native Windows developer using Visual Studio. Can I use VS with Xamarin to develop an android app, including the Android SDK? Or must I use Android Studio?
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jasonbanks avatar image jasonbanks commented ·

Follow up to this post. Xamarin works for doing a user interface, however anything that will require use of the SDK must be done native. Theres no way to include the SDK, as it is native, and Xamarin is cross-platform.

Using Android Studio is the correct approach.

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Jacob Abrams avatar image
Jacob Abrams answered
I wouldn't recommend it. You'll need to get the clover-android-sdk ported over to Xamarin. This article discusses an approach:

Rewriting the clover-android-sdk in C# sounds like an exercise in extreme pain and in order to do it you'll need to learn a lot about java and android. Also what happens when Clover updates the clover-android-sdk.

If you decide to go with Xamarin you are also unlikely to get much support here.
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Lee Tickett avatar image
Lee Tickett answered
It's something we've been very curious about. I would definitely be interested to know if anyone else is interested and if Clover themselves have any views on it.
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pst avatar image
pst answered
I tried to create Xamarin Binding lib from Clover Android SDK and got tons of errors initially so did not attempt to pursue it at that time (which was a couple of years ago now) but I would be very interested to try to help get something like this going as we definitely have uses for it (main use case would be integrating our in-house gift card server into a payment flow process so that the purchaser can run their gift card rather then the cashier running it through the semi-Integrated Windows POS)
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