
jsunderland323 avatar image
jsunderland323 asked David Marginian Deactivated answered

Payment post-processing using stripe (3rd party payment processor) for service fee

I was about to submit my app for review but found something that has worried me that we won't be able to comply with Clover's terms of service after looking through the app approval documentation.

We have an online-ordering solution that allows customers to pay from their mobile phone browser while inside the restaurant. We offer the service for free to restaurants but charge the customer a 3% fee from the transaction.

In our solution, we process the card for the entire payment (including the 3%) using clover and then deduct our service fee using the stripe API. This means that the merchant must sign up with Stripe when they use our app since we don't have a mechanism for charging the restaurant the 3% other than manual invoices.

The onboarding flow is as follows. A merchant gives us OAuth access and then we request that they create a stripe account for us to deduct the 3% from.

Is it possible for us to get approval even though we require an associated stripe account and deduct the customer fee using stripe?

We have an android ordering app as well but it is simply for printing orders.

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