
01928-7325x2 avatar image
01928-7325x2 asked chanel Deactivated commented

Metered Billing Double Charge

We like to understand how the metered charge working.
All of our metered billing in Clove shows double than what we sent.
We send the count at the beginning of every month. eg. Total count for January sent on 1 February.

If we send the meter count multiple times, how Clover handles it?
Is there any way to override the previous count sent or we need to delete and resend?

App Market
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1 Answer

chanel avatar image
chanel Deactivated answered
You can find a full explanation on Metered Billing here.

There is no way to "delete" triggered events. The only to "undo" a charge is for the developer to provide a refund to the merchant outside of the App Market.
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