
ahilman avatar image
ahilman asked Raymond Lee Deactivated commented

Cannot create a new merchant on the Sandbox environment


I am an admin on the sandbox environment and I am trying to add a new sandbox merchant, but I am receiving an HTTP 401 Unauthorized response whenever I save the merchant details. The error popup is simply '{}'.

Any help is greatly appreciated. Please see attached image for reference.


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dhanaraj avatar image dhanaraj commented ·
have got any answer will u reply back to me
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alanc avatar image alanc commented ·
I have the same error on the developer page. No one has gotten back to me yet
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Jeffrey Blattman avatar image Jeffrey Blattman ♦♦ commented ·

I was able to create a test merchant under my developer fine. Can you possibly record a video of the problem end-end? I'd be particularly interested in knowing the URL that's resulting in the 401. You could probably see that from the browser's network log.

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alanc avatar image
alanc answered
I did as you said. How can the developer add the email as an employee? Where would they go for it?@Raymond Lee
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alanc avatar image
alanc answered Raymond Lee Deactivated commented
Where would you go to add the email used for the admin account as an employee of the test merchant?
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