
flute avatar image
flute asked david06n Suspended commented

Enable Secure Network Pay Display

I'm using DevKit and looking to install Secure Network Pay Display according to the docs in order to open & close tabs remotely from Android and iOS mobile devices.

I cannot find Secure Network Pay Display app in the App Market. How do I get SNPD installed on my Clover Mini (DEV)?
secure network pay display
10 |2000

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keithryanwong avatar image
keithryanwong Deactivated answered david06n Suspended commented
Hi @flute,

The Secure Network Pay Display app is scheduled to go live on the App Market soon, but for the time being we'll install it for you. Can you provide your devkit serial number to me via private comment?

Keith Wong
1 comment
10 |2000

Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.

flute avatar image flute commented ·

Thanks @Chanel I see it, but I’m encountering this error and I’m connected to the internet. Do I need to change any settings?
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keithryanwong avatar image
keithryanwong Deactivated answered flute commented
Hi @flute,

So from what it sounds like, this isn't a semi-integration– as there isn't a Point-of-Sale system– but a payments application meant to be installed and used by customers (presumably at a bar). That would put your app in the category of a regular Clover application and App Market support.

Clover services are based on the requirement that Merchants must be Clover Merchants, and we provide registered Clover Merchants with payment processing services. Unfortunately, we're not quite at the level of having those services freely exposed for everyone to make use of yet, and the applications developed on top of our services are meant to be downloaded to registered merchants' devices, not customers' devices.

You may have to change the structure of your application for that reason. I recommend taking a look at the docs and SDKs for the Web API (DevPay API) and the Clover Android SDK. It sounds like you'll need to make two different applications, one to run on Clover devices and a non-Clover app that will go on customer's phones and communicate with the Clover app.

Keith Wong
1 comment
10 |2000

Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.

flute avatar image flute commented ·

Hi @keithryanwong

So in summary it sounds like I need to create 2 apps.

1 app to be installed on Clover Mini, which communicates and controls the clover pos. Then my app from the Apple and Google Play Store would communicate with the app installed on the Clover Mini

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