
vhernandez avatar image
vhernandez asked vittocheri answered

Secure network pay display does not work

Hello everyone, I'm using a clover mini pos, I used before Network pay display app, and it worked for me, however I've activated my device again (I switched from another environment sandbox to sandboxdev), and the Network pay display does not work, I'm getting this screen, the device has internet connection. hopefully you guys help me, thank you so much.

Clover Minisecure network pay display
1585855553606.png (56.8 KiB)
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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

Can you provide your sandboxdev merchant id in a private post? Can you check the log cat and provide the log?

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utvu avatar image
utvu answered

By developing a Telenor quiz program where victors can receive free internet data, Telenor made a fantastic move. "Test Your Skills" is how Telenor dubbed it. It's a game in which the user must enter 5 accurate Telenor Quiz Today responses to be eligible to win 150 free internet MBs for a 24-hour period.

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vittocheri avatar image
vittocheri answered

Hello, fellow meteorologists! I can't recommend enough. It has become my favorite site for accurate weather forecasts in Curitiba. Whether I'm planning a weekend hike or just want to know if I'll need an umbrella tomorrow, this site always gives me the right information. Detailed hourly updates and an intuitive interface make checking the weather a breeze. I highly recommend this site!

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