
bobbybruce avatar image
bobbybruce asked vabgert12 edited

How to attach a negative value to an item or category

Hi there, was wondering if there is any way to attach a negative value to an item or category? We deal with trade ins on hardgood products daily.

On register i.e. someone buys a surfboard for $500 but uses his used surfboard that he just sold back to us for $200 (-$200) towards the purchase of his new surfboard

he should see itemized receipt that totals to $300 that is owed. Is there no way to do this currently? workaround? @David Marginian

clover developer communityClover StationClover Station 2018
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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered David Marginian commented

The only way I see to do it is to add a discount. There may be another way that I am unaware of.

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bobbybruce avatar image bobbybruce commented ·

The system will not allow a negative discount

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bobbybruce avatar image bobbybruce bobbybruce commented ·

I should say *a negative dollar amount as a discount

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ bobbybruce commented ·

There is no such thing as a negative discount. Enter the discount as a positive number and that amount will be taken off the order.

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bobbybruce avatar image
bobbybruce answered bobbybruce commented

You're correct on that. I wasn't thinking straight. However, trade ins, lottery ticket redemptions, etc are more than just a dollar amount off a full price item. They need to be a separate department/item name for reporting and inventory reasons as well.

Shoot - even outside of trade ins and redemptions, sometimes with our current registers, we use the (-) departments for creating a more itemized way of doing a "manual refund" instead of issuing a single dollar amount which is how "manual refund" is done on current clover stations.

There's a lot of uses for this, especially in the retail space.

I dug up a Clover forum on the same topic: many people expressed their displeasure. Please read:

@David Marginian

(-) department/category on current registers / trade ins

Example of how we sometimes issue an itemized manual refund with (-)s

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

We have existing open issues regarding this but they haven't had much movement. I just made a few comments and linked this post as well as another related post.

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bobbybruce avatar image bobbybruce David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

Great - thank you @David Marginian much aprreciated. Keep us posted. It's important for us to have this before we can go live with Clover.

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vabgert12 avatar image
vabgert12 answered vabgert12 edited

Lottery retailers handling UK49s Results may need a system to process negative values for ticket refunds or trade-ins. Implementing discounts or store credit features could serve as a workaround for such transactions.

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