
sunrisesurfshop avatar image
sunrisesurfshop asked David Marginian Deactivated edited

Why can't I exchange discounted items?

We give out a lot of discounts as our retail store has a large local following. In addition, we run a BOGO 1/2 OFF year round and it's concerning that we're unable to exchange discounted items. It's makes the exchange process so much more challenging and tedious. Exchanges now for our bogo 1/2 off sale as well as others will have to be not only done manually, but without any sort of categorization or itemization. Clover, can you please fix this! This is a huge part of our business. Please advise.

Ordersclover developer communityClover StationRefundClover Station 2018
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1 Answer

bobbybruce avatar image
bobbybruce answered sunrisesurfshop commented

I'm having same issue. Really stops us from doing any promotional sales. Returns and exchanges become a pain in the ass if doing a bogo 1/2. I wonder if there's a way you can do a manual refund line item by line item as a workaround?

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sunrisesurfshop avatar image sunrisesurfshop commented ·

@bobbybruce No idea how this isn't apart of the system. Every retail store I've ever been into can handle bogos on returns or exchanges.

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