
joeynguyen avatar image
joeynguyen asked polytrack answered

Test card is not come with Devkit

I ordered a mini clover devkit, the mini clover arrived but the test card did not. not sure if the test card is shipped separately?

Clover Mini
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l-thomasson avatar image
l-thomasson answered

Hello, did you request/buy test cards?

I know that we have test card number listed online in the Clover Docs that you can use to process test transactions in production and in sandbox

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greyskymedia avatar image
greyskymedia answered joeynguyen commented

You just need to email dev relations and they'll get you one

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joeynguyen avatar image joeynguyen commented ·

Hello greyskymedia, Could you please assist me an email of dev relations, thank you

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polywickstudio avatar image
polywickstudio answered
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polytrack avatar image
polytrack answered

The test card may be sent from another warehouse or by another supplier, so it may arrive at a different time. In the meantime, you can visit PolyTrack Game to play the extremely attractive racing game.

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