
hergy80 avatar image
hergy80 asked rachel Deactivated answered

Is it possible to send credit card data (from web orders) to a clover mini in a semi-integrated situation?

We would like to use the clover mini in a semi-integrated environment connected to our custom POS. Our system currently is integrated with our website order system, where we currently process credit cards via manually entry on our terminals (not using gateways or online payment since we don't process payment until we are ready to ship orders). We'd like to be able to pass the credit card information to the clover when we are ready to process the order (sometimes orders are delayed a month or more depending on customer's need). Can the clover support credit card information being passed to it from the POS or does it have to originate on the mini to be processed? We're trying to eliminate extra tasks like gateways and such if possible.
Clover Mini
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