
heejung avatar image
heejung asked dinotanjo sent

apply discounts in Create multiple line items

I use API Create multiple line items with discounts info and i get a success reponse message but the discounts info is not applied

This is parameter i sent
{"items":[{"item":{"id":"DT5D2H881VR84"},"name":"kimbab","price":900,"unitQty":1000,"unitName":"1","discounts":[{"discount":{"id":"TCF9S40YBSCTR"},"name":"[TAKY happyhour]happy hour","percentage":3}]}]}

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wecizekyk avatar image wecizekyk commented ·

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brandonbetts avatar image
brandonbetts answered brandonbetts edited

Hello geometry dash lite, I think you should double-check that the discount ID you provided is correct and corresponds to a valid discount in your system. Ensure that the discount ID "TCF9S40YBSCTR" is valid and active.

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wamezeceqa avatar image
wamezeceqa answered

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wamezeceqa avatar image
wamezeceqa answered

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hitseri avatar image
hitseri answered

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wecizekyk avatar image
wecizekyk answered

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fopdoodle avatar image
fopdoodle answered

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wecizekyk avatar image
wecizekyk answered

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chicagovelocampuscom avatar image
chicagovelocampuscom answered

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s61176553 avatar image
s61176553 answered

When creating multiple line items, applying discounts can enhance the overall value for customers and streamline pricing strategies. Discounts can be applied at the line-item level to reflect percentage reductions glitzyinfo, fixed amounts, or promotional offers. For instance, bulk purchases, seasonal sales, or loyalty rewards can be incorporated into individual items, ensuring pricing accuracy while maintaining customer satisfaction.

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