
awonak avatar image
awonak asked awonak commented

Using the REST API, how do I get all items in a category?

When I use the Inventory Categories endpoint with the Items expanded, I get 100 items back. I have tried using the pagination offset and limit GET parameters, but they do not affect the expanded items. I have also tried using the Inventory Items endpoint, but I do not get Category information from that result, so I cannot use that endpoint.

Here is a sample categories query with items expanded that returns 100 items. How can I get all items?

$ curl -s "$MERCHANT_ID/categories/6M2MA7RSTK48G?expand=items" --header "Authorization: Bearer $API_TOKEN" | python -mjson.tool

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1 Answer

voski avatar image
voski answered awonak commented
can you use?

MERCHANT_V3_PATH + "/categories/{catId}/items
1 comment
10 |2000

Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.

awonak avatar image awonak commented ·

Yep, that's it. Found it documented here.

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