
ivaandreeva avatar image
ivaandreeva asked sam Deactivated edited

Get current order returns an old order

Hello,I am trying to get the current order by using the example described here

Sometimes though, Clover returns an order id that is quite old - an order that was paid and finished 3 - 4 orders ago.
When I try to open the Orders app and then do the request again Clover returns the proper order id.

Any advice on how to "refresh" the orders before asking Clover for the current order?

OrdersClover Android SDK
10 |2000

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sam avatar image sam commented ·

When it returns an old order, are the newer order being created outside that device (eg. via REST or a different device from which the query is being called)?

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ivaandreeva avatar image ivaandreeva sam commented ·

No, the newer orders are created from the Register app on that same device

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sam avatar image sam ivaandreeva commented ·

I haven't been able to reproduce this issue as of yet. My code looks much like the example code. Since you're creating the order on device, the set/get should all be local, which means it's not a network/server issue. Does this happen regardless of whether the order is created using the Register or through the SDK? Could you share a snippet of your code?

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