
mohit-kanada avatar image
mohit-kanada asked Emmanuel MacCaull commented

Is there any way to get event when any line item is updated / modifier is added to line item using clover android SDK

Is there any way to get event when any line item is updated / modifier is added to line item using clover android SDK

I can get events for other events like order added, line item added using broadcast receiver. I there any broadcast receiver or any other thing in android SDK using which app can notify once any line item is updated OR modifier is added to line item while building order inside clover register app
OrdersClover Android SDKLineItemsBroadcasts
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mohit-kanada avatar image mohit-kanada commented ·

More details :
Can we receive update/data when Register ‘Done’ button for line item add is actioned ?

that Modifier was added to line item just entered,

Or that Quantity was decreased for line item just entered

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