
heyitschloe avatar image
heyitschloe asked kathleenculpepper Deactivated answered

App Review Delay

I am extremely disappointed with the complete lack of communication regarding the app I submitted to the Clover App Store, which has been stuck in review for over 3 months. Despite sending multiple emails over the past few months, I have received 0 response or acknowledgment.

Now, I find myself forced to send/post this message across multiple channels in hopes of getting any form of acknowledgment or update from your team.

This level of unresponsiveness is unacceptable and reflects poorly on Clover’s support for its developer community. Developers rely on timely updates and professional communication, especially for app reviews, which are essential for planning and deployment.

I need a clear update on the status of my app review. If there are delays, issues, or holiday freezes, I expect to be informed rather than left in the dark. This ongoing silence is not only frustrating but also disrupts my ability to move forward with my business objectives.

Please treat this matter with the urgency it deserves and respond with an update regarding my app's review.

Please respond with answers to the following:

  1. What is the current wait time for the app review process?
  2. Has the review for my app (APP ID - WWTF1AKT87VJ8) even begun? If not, can you confirm my place in the review queue?
  3. If the review has begun, when will I be notified of any required changes or feedback so I can make adjustments for approval?


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karldonalson avatar image
karldonalson answered

"App Review Delay: We’ve all been there, waiting for that update or approval. ⏳ How do you stay patient during the waiting game? Share your tips for handling the delay!"

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adiiii30 avatar image
adiiii30 answered

App review delays can occur due to high submission volumes, technical issues, or compliance check. Ensure your app meets all guidelines, provides accurate metadata, and has a smooth user experience. Patience is key, but if delays persist, consider reaching out to the support team for assistance.

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