
simon avatar image
simon asked simon answered

Is it posible to control cashback amount/ selection on the linked POS system

We are intergrating our POS software into the Clover via the .net SDK and the USB Pay Display and would like to be able to allow the cashier to select the cashback amount for a sale.

At present the Clover ask the customer to insert the card, then asks if they would like cashback and how much, we would like to move that to our POS to allow the cashier to select the option if posible, as they may not have enough cash in the till to honor the cashback. On our current payment solution we do this programically by blocking out cashback options that are over a set value (e.g. not allowing £50 cashback if the till only has £40)

I know we can disable cashback for a sale with SaleRequest.DisableCashback but this is an all or nothing option.

We have also tried intercepting the CASHBACK_CONFIRM & CASHBACK_SELECT messages in the OnDeviceActivityStart() callback with the aim to use InvokeInputOption() to remotly press the button, but the InputOptions only list Cancel as an avilable option and not the 6 cashback options, also as this is a non-blocking callback the customer could select the cashback option before the cashier.

We've seen that we can alter the values displayed on the Clover but doing it on a per-sale basis as the avilable cash funds change wouldnt be feasable.


Clover Mini
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Greg avatar image
Greg answered Greg edited
Hi @Simon,

This functionality is not available with our current SDK API. The only way to control the cash back amount dynamically would be through the POS before it enters the Clover Secure Payments flow. That way the POS can offer cash back amounts according to the amount in the register (and add that amount to the SaleRequest), and have the default cash back options disabled. However, we will note this cash back functionality enhancement as a feature request.

10 |2000

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simon avatar image
simon answered
Hi @Greg

Thanks for your response, unfortunately your idea about adding cashback to the SalesRequest amount would cause other problems, as the cashier would probably not know beforehand if the card allowed cashback.

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