
fwalker avatar image
fwalker asked hj02 commented

Emulator Setup

I am going through the Emulator setup document. I installed com.Clover.engine-1452 (why is this not in the Clover dev-apks page. It is so confusing) as well as the updater in the Clover dev-apks page. I went to settings to add account. Selected Clover and it took me to the Clover login page. But after that I never get an option to select the home app. Any ideas of what I might try?

Thank you

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hj02 avatar image
hj02 answered

What version of android are you running? There are several but different bugs with emulator setup at the moment, both in 4.2.2 and 4.4.2. You only get the option to select a home app after the Launcher apk is installed, which is automatically downloaded from the App Updater apk. If you have successfully added your developer account and have both the engine and the app updater installed, but no apps are downloading, then that is an issue with the app updater. I would try using an older version of the app updater since you have an older version of the clover engine installed. You can also manually install the launcher apk from the dev-apks page. I've yet to find a viable solution to all the bugs going around, so let me know if you figure it out. Hopefully there will be a fix soon.

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Mike M avatar image
Mike M answered hj02 commented

Hi fwalker and hj02, there is a new build is up on sandbox/dev-apks.

Currently, Engine v1455.apk also requires an environment hotfix that you can achieve by running this script: We are working on removing the additional hotfix step.

The App Updater issue (with Android 4.2.2 specifically) is also already being tracked by our engineering team and hopefully will be fixed soon.

Also, if Launcher has indeed been installed, here is another way to change the default home Launcher.

Thank you for your patience.

[EDIT] updated script link to dropbox

10 |2000

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hj02 avatar image hj02 commented ·

The script requires google access to view.

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Mike M avatar image Mike M commented ·

Sorry about that, can you please try again, I've updated the download link.

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