
bohyeon avatar image
bohyeon asked bohyeon commented

Issue with OrderType Settings Disabled on Clover Dashboard

I’m trying to configure the OrderType settings on the Clover dashboard for a specific account, but the option is not available. Previously, I was able to configure the OrderType on the dashboard for another location. What could be the reason for this?

I suspect that the availability of OrderType settings might depend on the Service Plan. Could this be the case?


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1 Answer

parquet76 avatar image
parquet76 answered bohyeon commented

It's is tied to the service plan as you guessed.

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bohyeon avatar image bohyeon commented ·

Thank you for the response!
I’m currently checking the Clover pricing page. From what I see, it looks like only the "Table Service Restaurant" and "Counter Service Restaurant" software plans can use OrderType, while the "Register," "Payments," and "Essentials" plans cannot configure or use OrderType. Is that correct?

Additionally, are only the "Table Service Restaurant" and "Counter Service Restaurant" plans able to register orders via the Clover API, while the "Register," "Payments," and "Essentials" plans cannot register orders through the API?

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