
benyamen avatar image
benyamen asked David Marginian Deactivated answered

i try Create an authorization on a Payment but i got this message "invalid payment"

curl --request POST \
     --url '' \
     --header 'Accept: application/json' \
     --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
     --data '
     "payment": {
          "offline": "false",
          "transactionSettings": {
               "disableCashBack": "false",
               "cloverShouldHandleReceipts": "true",
               "forcePinEntryOnSwipe": "false",
               "disableRestartTransactionOnFailure": "false",
               "allowOfflinePayment": "false",
               "approveOfflinePaymentWithoutPrompt": "false",
               "forceOfflinePayment": "false",
               "disableReceiptSelection": "false",
               "disableDuplicateCheck": "false",
               "autoAcceptPaymentConfirmations": "false",
               "autoAcceptSignature": "false",
               "returnResultOnTransactionComplete": "false",
               "disableCreditSurcharge": "false"
          "transactionInfo": {
               "isTokenBasedTx": "false",
               "emergencyFlag": "false"
          "id": "245"
     "closingPayment": {
          "offline": "false",
          "transactionSettings": {
               "disableCashBack": "false",
               "cloverShouldHandleReceipts": "true",
               "forcePinEntryOnSwipe": "false",
               "disableRestartTransactionOnFailure": "false",
               "allowOfflinePayment": "false",
               "approveOfflinePaymentWithoutPrompt": "false",
               "forceOfflinePayment": "false",
               "disableReceiptSelection": "false",
               "disableDuplicateCheck": "false",
               "autoAcceptPaymentConfirmations": "false",
               "autoAcceptSignature": "false",
               "returnResultOnTransactionComplete": "false",
               "disableCreditSurcharge": "false"
          "transactionInfo": {
               "isTokenBasedTx": "false",
               "emergencyFlag": "false"
     "amount": 234,
     "last4": "1234",
     "type": "TAB"
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