
benyamen avatar image
benyamen asked David Marginian answered

i try Create an authorization on a Payment but i got this message "invalid payment"

curl --request POST \
     --url '' \
     --header 'Accept: application/json' \
     --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
     --data '
     "payment": {
          "offline": "false",
          "transactionSettings": {
               "disableCashBack": "false",
               "cloverShouldHandleReceipts": "true",
               "forcePinEntryOnSwipe": "false",
               "disableRestartTransactionOnFailure": "false",
               "allowOfflinePayment": "false",
               "approveOfflinePaymentWithoutPrompt": "false",
               "forceOfflinePayment": "false",
               "disableReceiptSelection": "false",
               "disableDuplicateCheck": "false",
               "autoAcceptPaymentConfirmations": "false",
               "autoAcceptSignature": "false",
               "returnResultOnTransactionComplete": "false",
               "disableCreditSurcharge": "false"
          "transactionInfo": {
               "isTokenBasedTx": "false",
               "emergencyFlag": "false"
          "id": "245"
     "closingPayment": {
          "offline": "false",
          "transactionSettings": {
               "disableCashBack": "false",
               "cloverShouldHandleReceipts": "true",
               "forcePinEntryOnSwipe": "false",
               "disableRestartTransactionOnFailure": "false",
               "allowOfflinePayment": "false",
               "approveOfflinePaymentWithoutPrompt": "false",
               "forceOfflinePayment": "false",
               "disableReceiptSelection": "false",
               "disableDuplicateCheck": "false",
               "autoAcceptPaymentConfirmations": "false",
               "autoAcceptSignature": "false",
               "returnResultOnTransactionComplete": "false",
               "disableCreditSurcharge": "false"
          "transactionInfo": {
               "isTokenBasedTx": "false",
               "emergencyFlag": "false"
     "amount": 234,
     "last4": "1234",
     "type": "TAB"
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1 Answer

David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered

What are you trying to do? Do you have an existing Clover payment? It doesn't appear that you do. If you are trying to take a payment (card not present) you should look at our EComm API -

10 |2000

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