
kmvc3 avatar image
kmvc3 asked stivjakobs sent

How can I remove the "Time Clock" from the clover receipts?

Hello, we are working on a custom web app that handles payments and have integrated clover such that when a user makes a payment clover will send an email to the users email address with the receipt link.

This works fine, however we have noticed that at the bottom of the receipt their is a "Time Clock" component that does not render. Is there a way to remove this without creating our own receipts? I've looked through the payment receipt settings at and there does not seem to be any option.

Example receipt:


1725641058459.png (73.3 KiB)
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parquet76 avatar image
parquet76 answered kmvc3 commented

Time clock is an app, maybe you can try uninstalling it? I am not sure if you can. Search for it in the dashboard and see if you have the option.

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kmvc3 avatar image kmvc3 commented ·
Thanks, it looks like clover had installed a bunch of 3rd party apps by default. Uninstalling them fixed the issue.
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kolikam avatar image
kolikam answered massiowe commented

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