
lleising avatar image
lleising asked lleising commented

Error message installing Secure Payments

I receive an error when installing the Secure Payments apk using Blue Stack android simulator (required by First Data Channels to use). Is there an updated version of this App?

Error: "Apk Installation failed: INSTALL_FAILED_CPU_ABI_INCOMPATIBLE.

This appears to be blocking all of the other App's from installing updates. Any recommendations how I could remove Secure Payments from the top of the list, so that the remaining 21 App's can continue to install?

Thanks, lleisinger

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Jacob Abrams avatar image
Jacob Abrams answered

That's strange, secure payments should only be installed on mobile and mini devices. I will try to find out what is going on. Did you follow the instructions on and install engine version 1452?

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lleising avatar image
lleising answered lleising commented

Yes, I've had Blue Stack installed for a long time. My emulator used to be set up as Station, at some point it was changed automatically over to Mini/Mobile. So the Secure Payments App install is newer. I've attempted in reinstall engine and all Apps, no issues except 1, when I get to the Secure Payment's App I get the same error message (listed Above).

Is there a way to change my Clover emulator device type, so to remove the Secure Payments from the list of App's? I have no way to uninstall this App.

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Jacob Abrams avatar image Jacob Abrams ♦♦ commented ·

How do you change your emulator to act as a Station, Mini or Mobile?

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lleising avatar image lleising commented ·

Yes - If the Secure Payments App is for the Mobile or Mini, can I change the view to go back to Station?

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Jacob Abrams avatar image Jacob Abrams ♦♦ commented ·

I'm not clear on how you are making your emulator act as a Station, Mobile or Mini. Where did you get information on how to setup the emulator?

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lleising avatar image lleising commented ·

I'm trying to locate the document. I received a word doc w/instructions back in May, however I wasn't successfully set up until July. I basically installed the Engine, then App Updater, added the Clover App, logged in and the tool updated the App's automatically when syncing up the account (in Register). I continue to go back in and keep that App's fresh when possible. Sometime over the summer the home screen changed from Station to Mini/Mobile, without me installing anything new (I think it was pushed). I have never been able to get this fixed. I'll forward the links.

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lleising avatar image lleising commented ·

After Blue Stack was installed: 1 After BlueStacks has fully loaded, launch Chrome and navigate to 2 Download the files located below App Updater: com.clover.appupdater-1072.apk Clover: com.clover.engine-1368.apk Launcher: com.clover.launcher-1119.apk

Download all available App’s. Once Loaded, go into the App Market and Sync up Simulator to download the remaining App’s

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