
robert-z avatar image
robert-z asked jcy commented

Cloud Pay - Could not verify authentication token with COS server.

I have a sandbox account with a developer clover device. Today while trying to demo the process flow, when I attempt to send a payment request to the Clover device I am getting the error:

Could not verify authentication token with COS server.

requestId: d5a27840-440542

I tried refreshing my oauth token by requesting a new code and setting a new user token, but the device still fails verifying the authentication token. The access token still works fine with other API endpoints, it just seems it cannot communicate with the device.

I am at a loss and would welcome any suggestions.

Cloud Pay Display
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toby78 avatar image toby78 commented ·

It sounds like the issue might be related to the synchronization between your device and the COS server. You might want to check if there are any time discrepancies between the device and server, as this could affect token verification. Additionally, consider clearing the device cache or performing a factory reset, as this sometimes resolves authentication issues. If the problem persists, reaching out to Clover support for more in-depth troubleshooting might be the best course of action.

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parquet76 avatar image
parquet76 answered parquet76 commented

Have you previously gotten this to work and it just started failing today or is this you first time trying? I assume you are using the rest pay API?

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robert-z09 avatar image robert-z09 commented ·

Sorry, I am the original poster but I could not login and the reset password link did not work.

You are correct, I am using the rest pay API.

The application was working yesterday with about 45 test transactions that processed successfully so it has started failing today. I had a demo scheduled for this morning, but had to postpone because of the error.

The few comments I can find about this error suggest that the access_token is invalid, but as noted, I am able to call other api endpoints successfully.

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parquet76 avatar image parquet76 robert-z09 commented ·

And you haven't made any changes like reassign the devkits merchant, uninstall the app, etc.? Are you using a V1 or v2 token?

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robert-z09 avatar image robert-z09 parquet76 commented ·

Nothing has changed in developer settings or with my test merchant account. I am using the `oauth/v2`endpoints to generate/retrieve the access token

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jcy avatar image
jcy answered

maybe because merchant need binding with your clover device? config in dashboard


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jcy avatar image
jcy answered

Could not verify authentication token with COS server.

requestId: d5a27840-440542
This is the first time I've seen this error message

I just tested the rest api with my clover device, using v1 and v2 tokens, both worked fine

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robert-z09 avatar image
robert-z09 answered jcy commented

Everything is working again this morning, not sure what changed but I will not complain.

Thank you all for your suggestions.

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jcy avatar image jcy commented ·
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