
Gurgen Chlingaryan avatar image
Gurgen Chlingaryan asked davidsas edited

How can I get tips enabled on my Clover Flex device?

Hi there,

I asked a question in comments section inside following thread

but there is no response, so I'm creating a new thread now.

I try to call a clover API to find out if tips are enabled for specific device, but I can't find any such api.

There is a merchant level api call:{mid}/tip_suggestions

which returns a list with isEnabled flag, so returns whatever is configured for the Merchant,

However, in device Setup->Tips->Ask for Tips configuration user can disable Tips for this specific device only. Even if I disable that flag, when I call

it still successfully shows the Tip screen. I supposed the it should return any failure code instead of asking for tips.

Could you please guide me?

Clover MiniClover FlexCloud Pay Display
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hostmycode avatar image
hostmycode answered

Great tips for setting up Clover Flex! It’s super easy to enable tipping and customize the settings for a smoother transaction experience.

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davidsas avatar image
davidsas answered davidsas edited

Thanks for sharing great information. njmc

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