
denver32 avatar image
denver32 asked hussy112233 answered

Issue with VAT Calculation in Clover Tax Report

Hey everyone,

I've been running into a problem with VAT calculations in my Clover tax reports. The numbers just aren't adding up.

Here's the issue:

In the Payment section, I have:

VAT or fee: 20%

Taxable Amount: £654

According to my calculations, the VAT amount should be:

£654 * 20% = £130.8 (Check for VAT removal)

However, Clover's report is showing £128.6 instead.

I'm really stuck on this and haven't found any solutions in the guide section. If anyone has any insights or suggestions, I’d really appreciate your help!

Thanks a lot

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nanisa2 answered

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hussy112233 avatar image
hussy112233 answered

Issue with vat calculator you can visit ai tool to get answer for that like I generate answer for tubidy mp3

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