
ypos avatar image
ypos asked rowland answered

VAT Tax with and without Food


Sit at the bar and order a Beer @ $5, Total of the Bill is now $5 (no food). Sit in the dining room order said beer plus a burger and now the $5 beer needs to be taxed. How do I do this please? Thank you

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hussy112233 avatar image
hussy112233 answered

When you order a beer at the bar for $5, the total bill is just $5 because no food is involved. However, when you order the same beer in the dining room along with a burger, the beer is taxed. The reason is that food and drink combined often fall under a different tax rule. To calculate this, you first add the cost of the beer and burger. Then, apply the VAT (Value Added Tax) to the entire amount. For example, if the burger is $10, the total before tax is $15. If the VAT rate is 10%, the tax is $1.50, making the total bill $16.50. Regard Multipack uae

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rowland avatar image
rowland answered

Get the burger and drink rung up at the same time as you get to the dining room mapquest driving directions Beer should be priced at $5 and should be included as a taxable food item.

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