
kabnetic avatar image
kabnetic asked wm1 Suspended sent

Unauthorized when fetching refresh token

When my web app is fetching the refresh token I am getting this error:
Error refreshing access token { status: 'Unauthorized', message: 'Invalid refresh token.' }

I am making a simple POST request to the sandbox and passing in the fields stated in the docs for client_id and refresh_token mentioned here Refresh access tokens.

Weird thing is, when I tested it with Postman it seemed to have worked, then when my app made the same request it gave me this error. Now when I try to run it again in Postman it gives me the same unauthorized error.

OAuthAPI Tokenaccess token
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shopventory avatar image shopventory commented ·

This is absolutely happening, your refresh token endpoint is intermittently failing with this error. This is unacceptable.

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