I'm trying to setup rest pay api with our backend systems for a client to integrate clover payments with our webapp.
When I try to run the API (https://docs.clover.com/reference/ping_device) -
curl --request GET \
--url https://sandbox.dev.clover.com/connect/v1/device/ping \
--header 'X-Clover-Device-Id: C032UQ01250558' \
--header 'X-POS-Id: KNOTTYPINE' \
--header 'accept: application/json' \
--header 'authorization: Bearer XXXX'
So when I try to run this request with my permanent access token it works and I get -
{ connected: true }
But when I generate an expiring token and run the same request with it -
I get -
I've also tried other endpoints like -
Can someone please explain which endpoints to use with the new expiring tokens?
Or what am I missing here?
Also on another note, will all other endpoints like sending payment requests to device etc.
will they also be using v2 endpoints for expiring tokens? or the same v1 endpoints only?