
ridhima avatar image
ridhima asked joycebald edited

Do I need to pass order total also while adding a line item through Rest API custom order?

I'm trying to create a custom order with an employee ID and them I'm adding a line item to the order . The line item is getting updated but the order total is still Zero. I'm trying to do these with REST API

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joycebald avatar image joycebald commented ·

@ geometry dash scratch: No, you don't need to pass order total also while adding a line item through Rest API custom order.

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parquet76 avatar image parquet76 commented ·

If you are creating a custom order, you are responsible for setting the total, and

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1 Answer

roseharris avatar image
roseharris answered

Yes, when adding a line item through the REST API, you typically need to update the order total separately. Think of it as ensuring solar panel are correctly aligned for maximum efficiency.

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