
andriyvovk avatar image
andriyvovk asked

Verify Debit Card using REST API

Hello Clover Community,

I am looking to implement a "debit card verification" process using the Clover API. Specifically, I need to verify that a card really exists and ensure that the zip code, expiration date, and CVV entered by the user are valid and accurate. I am trying to verify the card before tokenizing it.

Could you please provide information on the following:

  1. Card Existence Verification: Does the Clover API offer functionality to verify if a debit card actually exists?
  2. Detailed Validation: Can the Clover API validate the zip code, expiration date, and CVV of a debit card to ensure they are correct?
  3. Endpoints and Methods: If such functionality is available, could you point me to the relevant endpoints and methods to use for these verifications?
  4. Best Practices: Are there any best practices or additional steps recommended for performing comprehensive debit card verification using the Clover API?

Thank you for your assistance!

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