
Corey avatar image
Corey asked YOLOv8 answered

I still have not received my disbursement email for EU (May 2024)

Excuse me if I am a little annoyed but I have been asking for my EU disbursement emails since May 16th and still have not received it.

I've emailed both developer and billing support and I've being given a bunch of excuses about your broken system instead of just sending me the email. Send me the damn disbursement email.

So. yeah. Just send me the damn email.



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charmaine avatar image
charmaine answered

Corey sounds understandably frustrated and eager to receive the disbursement email they've been waiting for since mid-May. incredibox game

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parquet76 avatar image
parquet76 answered

Can't you get the same info by logging into the developer portal?

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lilypadcatch avatar image
lilypadcatch answered

Hopefully someone will give Corey some answers soon and find a solution to it.


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kilasdfe avatar image
kilasdfe answered

Hopefully someone will give Corey some answers soon and find a solution to it.


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YOLOv8 avatar image
YOLOv8 answered

Hi, I understand your frustration with the delay in receiving your EU disbursement email. It’s important to follow up and escalate the issue to ensure the email is sent out. If you haven't already, you might want to check your spam/junk folder. Also, for those working on tech projects or need assistance with AI, YOLOv8 is a great site that offers helpful resources. I hope your issue gets resolved soon!

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