
heyitschloe avatar image
heyitschloe asked bryanvargas answered

Clover dev kit setup

I'm trying to set up my dev kit but I'm running into some issues:

  1. The device will not connect via Ethernet. The device successfully connects to the wifi. Other (non Clover machines) successfully connect to my Ethernet. Navigating to settings -> network -> ethernet shows this error message: "adapter not found", never recognizing that the ethernet cable is plugged in. There is no toggle to "select" the Ethernet option, only wifi or mobile. Why isn't my Clover connecting to Ethernet?
  2. I can not download my app on my POS. I have installed the app on my Clover device. I can find the app in the app store on my Clover device. But the download button in the app store is always grey/disabled. It always shows the error: "this app is not available on this device. Please download on a supported device". How can I successfully install / test my app on my dev kit?
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1 Answer

bryanvargas avatar image
bryanvargas answered

1: please make sure the cable is properly plugged in and the hub has power (not sure what device you are using)

2: you need to make your device available via your developer dashboard app settings> App Type

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