
cxp avatar image
cxp asked maruusa Deactivated answered

error=CloverGenericError(code=ROOTED_DEVICE, message=Rooted device detected, severity=FATAL)

Integrate com.clover.sdk:go-sdk in the Android APP, and when testing using a test account, an exception is reported that the system has been rooted. However, my Android device is not Rooted.

  • test code
        viewModel.viewModelScope.launch {
            val request = PayRequest(
                final = true, //true for Sales, false for Auth or PreAuth Transactions
                capture = true, //true for Sales, true for Auth, false for PreAuth Transactions
                amount = 100L,
                taxAmount = 0L,
                tipAmount = 0L,
                externalPaymentId = "4242 4242 4242 4242"
            goSdk.chargeCardReader(request).collectLatest { chargeState ->
                val msg = when (chargeState) {
                    is ChargeCardReaderState.OnPaymentComplete -> "OnPaymentComplete: ${chargeState.response}"
                    is ChargeCardReaderState.OnPaymentError -> "OnPaymentError: $chargeState"
                    is ChargeCardReaderState.OnReaderPaymentProgress -> "OnReaderPaymentProgress: ${chargeState.event}"
  • Program exception information

error=CloverGenericError(code=ROOTED_DEVICE, message=Rooted device detected, severity=FATAL)


  • The system is not Rooted


Clover Android SDKClover Goclover android rom
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cxp avatar image cxp commented ·

To add,

  • Android Version

the system runs on the Android development board. The details of this Android message are as follows:


Android SDK Version: 32

  • clover-go-sdk uses the latest version
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1 Answer

sonu avatar image
sonu answered

I am also getting this issues while using the manual payment

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