
cxp avatar image
cxp asked zeeshan636 answered

error=CloverGenericError(code=ROOTED_DEVICE, message=Rooted device detected, severity=FATAL)

Integrate com.clover.sdk:go-sdk in the Android APP, and when testing using a test account, an exception is reported that the system has been rooted. However, my Android device is not Rooted.

  • test code
        viewModel.viewModelScope.launch {
            val request = PayRequest(
                final = true, //true for Sales, false for Auth or PreAuth Transactions
                capture = true, //true for Sales, true for Auth, false for PreAuth Transactions
                amount = 100L,
                taxAmount = 0L,
                tipAmount = 0L,
                externalPaymentId = "4242 4242 4242 4242"
            goSdk.chargeCardReader(request).collectLatest { chargeState ->
                val msg = when (chargeState) {
                    is ChargeCardReaderState.OnPaymentComplete -> "OnPaymentComplete: ${chargeState.response}"
                    is ChargeCardReaderState.OnPaymentError -> "OnPaymentError: $chargeState"
                    is ChargeCardReaderState.OnReaderPaymentProgress -> "OnReaderPaymentProgress: ${chargeState.event}"
  • Program exception information

error=CloverGenericError(code=ROOTED_DEVICE, message=Rooted device detected, severity=FATAL)


  • The system is not Rooted


Clover Android SDKClover Goclover android rom
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cxp avatar image cxp commented ·

To add,

  • Android Version

the system runs on the Android development board. The details of this Android message are as follows:


Android SDK Version: 32

  • clover-go-sdk uses the latest version
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sonu avatar image
sonu answered

I am also getting this issues while using the manual payment

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maruusa avatar image
maruusa answered

Slope has extremely simple gameplay – players just need to control a ball rolling on a slope, avoiding obstacles and not falling into the abyss.

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zeeshan636 avatar image
zeeshan636 answered

This may involve cutting larger pieces into smaller, more manageable sizes. For example, if you are working with taffy or larger gummy candies, slicing them into bite-sized pieces can help promote even freeze drying.

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zeeshan636 avatar image
zeeshan636 answered

For example, if you are working with taffy or larger gummy candies, slicing them into bite-sized pieces can help promote even freeze drying.

10 |2000

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