
naman avatar image
naman asked

Trying to implementing remote-pay-ios-go from github. but not sure what is wrong at our end

We have a Clover Go device, Trying to implementing remote-pay-ios-go from github. but not sure what is wrong at our end, please guide and help us from below detail,

Description : We are making a IOS application which will take order from iPhone and send payment request to clover go device.
Basically what we want to achieve is our application should send a payment request to clover device, device will process the payment and finally my iPhone application will get payment status so we can update same with our database.

We are going to use Semi-Integration for this.

We have implemented Semi-Integration for IOS and facing below shown error message. not sure whats wrong at my end!
Ref URL :

Another thing is i'm not sure what to set in 'self.token' and ''. reference code snippet shown below.
Ref URL :

One more thing is, we has downloaded 'Clover Go–Mobile Point of Sale' application from Apple App Store. Just for testing Clover Go device, we are supposed to make some what similar app.
App URL :
semi-integrationsSandboxDevKitClover GoRemote Pay iOS
10 |2000

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