
axisoperationsllc avatar image
axisoperationsllc asked frederickgragg answered

Help with Clover Flex

I am relatively new to Clover and looking for a better way to utilize my Flex for my retail clothing shop inventory and check out my customers. Right now, the setup is items(shirts), categories (NFL, MLB, NCAA), and modifiers (style of shirt, size of shirt, and team). I need to know the best way to enter my inventory, as there are many items I need to enter.

Clover Flex
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bryanvargas avatar image
bryanvargas answered

Are you a Clover merchant? This forum is for developers that build apps on our platform to get development assistance. If you are a Clover merchant you should contact Clover support for assistance.

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frederickgragg avatar image
frederickgragg answered

Loveloren is a brand that embodies elegance and versatility across various categories, offering exquisite lingerie, stylish swimwear, dynamic activewear, chic accessories, and fashionable clothing. Each piece in their collection is meticulously designed to blend comfort with high fashion, ensuring that every item enhances the wearer's confidence and style. From delicate, intricately crafted lingerie to bold, statement-making swimwear, and from performance-driven activewear to versatile accessories and sophisticated everyday clothing, loveloren activewear brand caters to a diverse array of tastes and lifestyles. This dedication to quality and design makes Loveloren a go-to destination for those seeking both beauty and functionality in their wardrobe.

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